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Biophilic Design: What Is It And How Do You Make It Work For Your Home?

We value being connected to nature in our homes, we are happy to pay more for homes that have a view, are next to the water or a park. But even without the view or waterfront, homes can be designed to connect us with nature in simple and subtle ways through biophilic design. We also have a natural curiosity when we are in nature, strongly evident when we are kids, that leads us to discover spaces in nature that offer protection, mystery and excitement.

How can we learn from this innate relationship we have with nature and design our homes to connect us consciously and unconsciously to it? Studies show that when we are connected to daylight and views at work we are sick less and are more focused and productive. In our homes, we can feed our sense of wellbeing by blurring the division between inside and outside and bringing nature in through natural patterns and materials.

What is biophilic design? Biophilia means a love of nature, so biophilic design means using natural resources to create a sense of harmony between modern architecture and the natural world. Biophilic design is the practice of creating a closer connection to nature through the ways buildings and landscapes are created and built. Biophilic designs fulfil our innate need to connect to nature, thus it centres around environments that humans have experienced - on aspects of nature that have contributed to our health and wellbeing.

Contemporary daily life tends to see that we spend 90% of our time indoors.

Unlike biomimicry that sets out to completely mimic the natural world, biophilic design is set on provoking positive human-nature interactions. To illustrate, while biomimicry could mimic the oceans, while beautiful, it doesn’t connect to our evolutionary environments and core reactions. Biophilic design replicates the comfort of nature that we neglect 90% of the time.

Nature appeals to our nature Nature positively impacts our cognitive systems and is shown to improve our psychological and physiological well being. If we pay attention to how we, as humans, have interacted with nature over the thousands of years. For example, did you know that our brains are still mapped to react like the hunter gatherer species we have been for most of our existence on earth? That means that we like to have prospect and refuge, for example, which is the ability to be protected while we see what is coming ahead. Understandably, nature soothes us mentally and, by extension, biophilic designs does the same thing. It is shown to reduce stress and mental fatigue - nature provides mental restoration.

We see this play out subconsciously in a restaurant when the booths are all full first and the tables in the middle are filled last – generally we don’t like to have our backs to a room. We also have a natural curiosity when we are in nature, strongly evident when we are kids, that leads us to discover spaces in nature that offer protection, mystery and excitement. This is why there is joy when watching the seasons change, as it is a mixture of expected patterns but small changes that evoke excitement. Likewise, winding paths in parks or in nature provoke a sense of enticing mystery that spurs us to discover more. How can we learn from this innate relationship we have with nature and design our homes to connect us consciously and unconsciously to it?

9 simple but innovative ideas to use biophilic design in your home 1. Fresh air Our homes should allow us to have plenty of fresh air and daylight with the ability to open windows whenever possible and let fresh air in. Through an open window we can also hear the sound of the rain, wind or birds singing, connecting us to the season and weather. It’s a pretty simple concept but many people live in homes with windows that don’t open or they chose never to open them.

“Intuitively we map the time of day through seeing shadows and sunlight move across a room and we instinctively gather in sunny warm spots”

2. Light and shadow There is mounting evidence that we are healthier when our circadian rhythms are balanced and having access to good daylight helps with that. Intuitively we map the time of day through seeing shadows and sunlight move across a room and we instinctively gather in sunny warm spots. So think about spaces where you can sit in the sun or create cosy pockets. Blur the boundary between inside and outside. Even with a small backyard, patio or deck, outdoor rooms can be created in the tiniest of spaces. In nearly every climate they can be used as work spaces or living rooms for around six months of the year. Spending more time outside while feeling sheltered blurs the separation between inside and outside in your home.

3. Bring the outside in Too often our inside spaces are sterile and have no reference to nature in them. Bringing nature and natural elements into your home can connect us to the natural place that we live within. Plants, small indoor green walls and simple water fountains, even on the countertop, connect us to nature. Natural materials like wood or stone offer us textural and pattern variations that replicates the sensory variation that we experience in nature.

4. Create prospect and refuge Enclosed spaces where we can feel secure but at the same time look out into the distance help to restore our sense of safety and comfort. Outside spaces that are surrounded on three sides and have a roof/shade provide the perfect refuge while allowing us to survey the landscape.

5. Natural shapes and forms Today, most of our building materials are dominated by straight lines and right angles. It is expensive to build the curved shapes and forms that we find in waves, flowers and shells, even though we have a deep affinity for these shapes and their sense of order, complexity and beauty. Not every home can bring in natural forms in the shape of the building, but patterns from nature can be used decoratively as motifs and be powerful in connecting us to the natural world.

6. Order and complexity Nature has both order and complexity, while every leaf has a similar shape, they are all slightly different in size. In our homes we can contract the order or straight lines and rectangles with complex shapes such as fractals and geometric patterns.

"Whether your location is in the desert, next to the oceans, prairie or grand forests understand the character of your place and use it as influence for your home"

7. Spirit of place With a global economy and the same materials and products available anywhere across the country, our homes have a sense of placeless-ness and are no longer rooted in the materials of the region or reflect the climate or culture. Whether your location is in the desert, next to the oceans, prairie or grand forests understand the character of your place and use it as influence for your home.

8. Biomimicry Biomimicry is the mimicking of nature’s processes and applying them to the design of the everyday things that we make. Biomimicry has been used to create glues that mimic the grip that mussel shells have on rocks all the way through to using shark skin texture in swimsuit design. What can you observe in your ecosystem that can be used in your home design? 9. Spatial variability Nature offers a variety of spatial experiences from meadows to forests to mountains and providing a variety of spaces in our homes can mimic the spatial variability found in nature and allow us to have spaces for a variety of moods and tasks. Having a deeper connection to nature when you are inside will contribute to your sense of health and wellbeing but it starts with one thing – go outside and learn about your place. If you watch, listen and learn about your ecosystem, then you will be ready to bring nature’s lessons and beauty inside.

Amanda Sturgeon, author of Creating Biophilic Buildings, shares her 9 ways to bring biophilic design into the home. Read full article in Pebble magazine

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